Thursday, July 31, 2008

Part Two - The Garage, And Other Stuff

about the sound track
The garage stretches around 30 yards wide and fronts on a side street off Pleasant Avenue. It's next to the storage place, a laundro mat and a luncheonette. IT has three big portals that cars roll through and at shift change two and sometimes all three are in use, though usually you have an old unused taxi sitting in one.

The bottom floor is the repair shop and it has two of the three portals. In the repair shop you have four bays with lifts, piles of tires, yellow taxi doors, and bumpers. There is a bay that is used for washing the cars. Although I am writing this in August I am going to date the whole story in July. In true blog style the first entry is last, the last entry is first, but I edit from day to day.

(more to come)

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